Is it possible to display 32-bit signed/unsigned integer data on PAC-99X/141X display?

Yes. PAC-99X/141X can read/process data in formats:

  • 16 bit signed/unsigned integer
  • 32 bit signed/unsigned integer
  • 32 bit float

Single PAC-99X/141X channel is able to display 5 digits only (in most display modes). To display longer data it is required to divide it into 2 or 3 logical channels using mathematical functions and display result as separate parts (units, thousands, millions).

PAC-99X/141X does not start properly. Black screen or progress bar is displayed continuously. Is it possible to program older/newer firmware without device menu?

If system is crashed and progress bar (full) is showed, and main firmware do not run then low level update method can be used:

1. Insert FlashDrive with upgrade files into USB port of PAC-99X/141X device.

2. Power PAC-99X/141X dow.

3. Press left upper corner of device Touch-screen and power PAC-99X/141X up.

4. While device runs and first screen is visible (without progress bar) release left upper corner and press quickly (max. 0.2 to 0.5 second delays) a sequence:

          4.1 right upper corner of Touch-screen
          4.2 right bottom corner of Touch-screen
          4.3 left bottom corner of Touch-screen

5. PAC-99X/141X then start updating.

6. Finally device runs normally.

Are all inputs of PAC-99X/141X modules UI4, UI8, UI12, U16, U24, I16 and I24 galvanically insulated against each other on a same input option card?

No, UI4, UI8, U16, U24, I16 and I24 modules are insulated from PAC-99X/141X internal circuits but inputs on single module ARE NOT insulated one from another (their GND are connected together). Modules with galvanically insulation are UN3, UN5 and IS6.

Is it possible to read the logged and stored data from PAC-99X/141X using the RS-485 and SimCorder Soft?

No, SimCorder is an universal software for BD|SIMEX devices with interface RS-485. There is dedicated software DAQ Manager designed for downloading data from PAC-99X/141X and preparing reports.

Is there a limitation of quantity of channels or devices the DAQ Manager is able to handle?

Theoretically there is no limitation for number of devices serving by DAQ Manager. But in fact the more devices (data stored by DAQ Manager) the slower DAQ Manager processing will be.

Is it possible to adjust the displayed value of a Pt100 temperature input on the PAC-99X/141X?

Yes, displayed value can be adjusted using Scaling option available in Input channels menu.

Is it possible to connect the PAC-99X/141X (standard version) with an external I/O-module and with a PC at one time – or it is required to use a second RS-485 (ACM module)? What is an often used application for more than one RS-485 in one PAC-99X/141X?

Standard version (without ACM module) can work as a single MASTER or a SLAVE. In extended version (with ACM module) there are 3 x RS-485 interface available and each of them can work independently as a MASTER or SLAVE. In the typical application PAC-99X/141X is the MASTER for external I/O modules, and the SLAVE for a PC, which means ACM module is required.

How many relays are there available in R81 module PAC-99X/141X device? Are there independent controlled relays?

There are 8 relays available in R81 module. All of them can be controlled independently but some of them have common terminals. Relays R5 and R6 are both connected to the terminal 11 (it is their common terminal). Similarly relays R7 and R8 are both connected to the terminal 14 and this is their common terminal.

Can I use DAQ Manager to connect PAC-99X/141X and PC via RS-485 interface?

No. To read data from PAC-99X/141X via RS-485 you have to use another application, e.g. SimCorder Soft. DAQ Manager is only for visualization of recorded data, however it can display a current measurements, but it requires a direct connection with PAC-99X/141X via ETHERNET to serve this function.

What is the meaning of the function “X[i] selected by Y” available as PAC-99X/141X mathematical function?

This is a multiplexer. User can select the range of input Logic channels X[i], and log. chan. Y decides which channel of X[i] is switched to the output. Simply example: Log.ch.1, Log.ch.2, Log.ch.3, Log.ch.4 are selected as input X range and Log.ch. 5 as a switch driver (Y). Due to a PAC-99X/141X uses a floating point values (not integers) it requires of strictly defined ranges. In the table below a simplified mathematical description is used, so in fact Multiplexer selects X[i] as follows:

Y-value (Log.ch. 5 value) Output
Y ≤ 0    Log.ch. 1
0 < Y ≤ 1    Log.ch. 2
1 < Y ≤ 2    Log.ch. 3
2 < Y ≤ 3    Log.ch. 4


Selecting channel Y be careful that its value is exact, the best it should be a manual setpoint.

Is Modbus RTU protocol fully implemented in PAC-99X/141X?

Modbus RTU protocol is not fully implemented in the PAC-99X/141X. Functions 3, 4, 6 and 16 (10 Hex) of Modbus RTU protocol are available only.

Is it possible to connect all relays together to obtain 8Amps (8x1A) load using R81 module or 20Amps (4x5A) load using R45 module of PAC-99X? Does this cause any thermal problems?

There are simply electromechanical relays with more than 5A max load (for R45 module) or more than 1A (for R81 module). There are no heating, but it is strongly recommended not to switch full load (e.g. every 1 second) for a long time.

Due to construction of this modules it is IMPOSSIBLE to connect all relays together to obtain 20Amps (8A respectively) - the delays between particular relays cause non-uniform division of in-rush currents what can damage module.

How to download user manual, available in PAC-99X/141X devices (in pdf format) or export it to a Flashdrive?

To export user manual into flash disk, use Export manual button available in Device information menu.

How to configure PAC-99X/141X using external PC?

To enable the configuration of the PAC-99X/141X with an external computer, follow these steps:

  1. Download free Xming software from: sourceforge.net/projects/xming/files/Xming/
  2. Install Xming on your PC using default settings. During installation enable Create a desktop icon for Xming option and disable Launch Xming option.
  3. After installation of the Xming use the right mouse button to open the properties window for desktop icons of the Xming and replace the -multiwindow with -ac -screen 0 320x240+300+300, then close the window properties and run Xming using desktop icon.
  4. In Network settings of the PAC-99X/141X device in the group Remote Display enter the IP address of your computer and Screen number=0, then exit menu and save configuration changes.
  5. In the Device information menu press Remote display button and confirm switching to remote display. After a while the device screen will be redirected to your computer screen.

What are the differences between PAC-99X and PAC-141X?

PAC-141X is equivalent to the PAC-99X device in a larger housing (144x144x100 mm instead 96x96x100 mm) and a larger touch screen.

Using a larger housing allows to equip the PAC-141X unit with modules with increased (50%) number of inputs and outputs of measurement and control.

What is the meaning of the parameter “Alarm state” available in “Built-in outputs“ menu of PAC-99X/141X?

Alarm state of source channel can inform about few events, e.g.: sensor error, too high/low value or no response via RS-485.

In such situations device has to know how to set the output. For example: relay in alarm state, may be set to defined state (open/close) or remain unchanged. Similarly current output in alarm state, can generate defined value or remain unchanged.  

How to display a flow-/ratemeter Totaliser?

1. Select one logical channel and switch it in hardware input mode.

2. Select and configure input for measurement of the current flow using Source and Configure source options.

3. Select another logical channel and switch it in Data from other channel mode.

4. Set Source parameter by selection of the channel previously configured (see step 1).

5. Set Quantity parameter as Balance.

How to configure PC / local network to use Java Applets and PAC-99X/141X?

Port 502 should be enabled (added to exception list) in firewall settings.

If PAC-99X/141X does not have external IP address assigned (e.g. NAT is used) proper redirection of port 502 should be made on a router/gateway in PAC-99X/141X's network.

Additionally, on PC should be installed JRE in version greater or equal 1.6.0_27 (applets has not been tested on JRE 1.7).

JMulticon applet certificate should be accepted to launch it.

How to load Modbus template to a PAC-99X/141X?

1. Download Modbus templates from www.bdsimex.com website.

2. Unpack them and copy to a flashdrive, plug the flashdrive into PAC-99X/141X USB plug.

3. Enter menu: File management → Configuration Files → Load modbus template.

4. Select template to be copied into device, and press apply button.

How to set up RS-485 interface for cooperation with slave devices?

1.  Load Modbus templates to a PAC-99X/141X.

2.  Enter menu Modbus, and select desired port number.

3.  Set the port configuration:

  • Mode: MASTER
  • Baud rate: usually 9600 bit./sek.
  • Format: 8N1
  • Request Timeout: 1 sek.

4.  Press SLAVE devices button.

5.  Select “MODBUS address” of the desired device. BD|SIMEX factory setting is 255 for devices with display, or 254 for DIN-rail mounted devices (check manual of the device to select correct address).

6.  Press Load device template, and select proper modbus template from the list.

How to configure Profile/timer signal?

In Profiles/timers menu enter Section list submenu.

To add new section in signal press green plus button in bottom left screen corner.

Parameters Duration and Unit determines the time in which the section will be generated.

Shape parameter defines shape of the section.

Final value parameter defines section value after expiration of its time.

It is also initial value for the next section.

Triggered profile will generate consecutive sections according to their parameters.

Also in Profiles/timers menu there is the Idle value parameter. It defines signal value when profile is not triggered.  

How to connect the mouse and keyboard to PAC-99X/141X?

If it is USB mouse or keyboard, just simply plug it into the USB socket. If user wants to connect mouse and keyboard there are two ways to do that.

If PAC-99X/141X has two USB sockets, then user should plug mouse to front USB and keyboard to back USB or in the opposite way.

Second way to plug mouse and keyboard to device is first connect USB HUB, then mouse and keyboard to the HUB.

Is there any test programs in PAC-99X/141X and how to use them?

There are no test programs in PAC-99X/141X.

Is there a possibility to switch modules places in PAC-99X/141X, or their placement is permanently written in firmware?

Yes. But it can be done only by an authorized service. If user will do it by himself, warranty will be lost. Modules are identified automatically when device starts, but after that switch, there are also changes on the input/output lists, which affects the logical channels configuration. In other words, user should correct the configuration after switching modules.

Can the temperature measurement be displayed in °F?

All temperature measurements in PAC-99X/141X are made in Centigrades. To rescale these measurements to degrees Fahrenheit user should use formula which is shown below:

TF = 1.8xTC + 32,

where: TF – temperature in °F, TC – temperature in °C

Lets assume that our temperature range is from -50˚C to 85˚C (but this range is arbitrary). In that case:

1.     enter desired Logical channel men.

2.     Scale parameter set as linear.

3.     enter Configure scaling submenu.

3.1.   in Output unit parameter write °F.

3.2.   in Input value parameter for Point 1 block write: -50 (which is low range limit).

3.3.   in Output value parameter for Point 1 block write: -58 (according to the formula TF.

3.4.   in Input value parameter for Point 2 block write: 85 (which is low range limit).

3.5.   in Output value parameter for Point 2 block write: 185 (according to the formula TF).

Is it possible to control thresholds of the relay remotely?

Yes. To make it possible it is required to select thresholds ( Menu -> Device configuration -> Built-in outputs -> Relay.n -> Level mode -> channel ) as logical channels which are not a constant values. Then selected logical channels can be used to easily change thresholds of the relay. The logical channels used as Thresholds can be then controlled via Modbus or can be simple Setpoints controlled from the screen of the device.

Is there any Demo available I could run and test it before placing my order for this device?

Yes, we have released the MultiCon Emulator software for this purpose. This software allows you to run on your computer screen a virtual PAC-99X/141X and familiarize yourselves with its functionality completely free of charge. The MultiCon Emulator is an accurate representation of the actual equipment. In order to test measurement inputs it has been equipped with the virtual measurement and relay output source. A full-featured recording module allows you to write data on the virtual drive and then send them on to a USB flash drive or DAQ Manager directly using TCP protocol.